Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was born on August 26 th1910 in scoochie the current capital of Republic of Macedonia the following day she was baptized as Agnes gonna charm booze actual mother Teresa spirit Nikola and grönefeld booze actual verse of Al baniandescent her father was an entrepreneur who worked as a construction contractor and a trailer of a medicines and other goods in " 1919 "when mother Teresa the Agnes was fully a treus world her father suddenly fell ill and tired while because of his death remains unknown many have speculated that political enemies poisoned him Agnes identity a convent to run primary school and then his patron secondary school as a girl she sang in the local Sacred Heart choir and was often asked her to sing his solos the congregation made an annualpilgrim age to the Church of the Black Madonna in the lightness and it was on one such a trip at the years of 12 that she first felt a calling to religious life six years later in 1928 and 18 years old Agnes was actual decided to become a nun and set off for Ireland to join the sisters of Loret to in Dublin it was there that she took the name sister Mary Teresa after Saint Therese of Lisieux a year later sister Mary Teresa traveled on to dazzling India for the notte to Peru in may 1931 she made her first provision of rose afterwards she was sent to Calcutta where she was sent to teach at st.
Mary's High School forGirls a school run by the Loretto sisters andI decided to teaching girls from the city's poorest Bengali families sisterTeresa learned to spoke both Bengali and Hindi buoyantly as she taught togeography and history and her decided to himself to alleviating the girls povertythrough education and made 2419 37 she took the final provision of rules onmainland 24 1937 she took her final provision of most of life of povertycharity and their billions she was the customer for eternal shetook on the title of a mother upon making her final rules and the touchbecame known as mother Teresa mother Teresa continued to teach at SaintMary's and in 1944 she became the school's principal through her kindnessgenerosity and unfailing commitment to help students education she sought tolead them to a life of devotion to Christ give me the strength to be everin light of their lives so that I may lead them at least to you she wrote inprayer on September 10 1946 mother Teresa experience at a second callingthe call Whitney call that would forever transformed her life she was readingIndia train from Calcutta to the Himalayan foothills for a retreat whenshe said Christ spoke to him and told her to her own teaching to work in theslums of Calcutta aiding the city's poorest and sickest people since motherTeresa had taken away our fiber nails she could not leave her convent with orofficial permission after nearly a year and a half of lobbying in the January1948 issue finally received approval to pursue this newthe tag honest that against donning the blue and white sari that she would wearin public for the rest of her life she left the Loreto convent and thatrendered out into the city after six months of basic modes medical trainingshe wears her for the first time into calculus lamps with no more specificallya goal that to aid the advantage the unload and the unclear for mother theresa quickly translated her calling it to concrete actions to help thecity's poor she began an open-air school and established a home for the drying dista toot in da de la Pietra the building in 1971
Mother Teresa traveled to New York City to open her first American base to the house of charityand in the summer of 1982 Dee secretly went to Barret Lebanon where she crossedbetween Christian East Beirut and Muslim Westbury - to air the children of bothfaiths in 1985 mother Teresa returned to a new act of a spoke at the 40thanniversary of the United Nations General Assembly while there she alsoopened a gift of love a home to care of those infected with airs in February1965 Pope al sixth-best drove the degree alpha preys upon the missionaries ofcharity which promoted mother Teresa to began expanding internationally by thetime of her death in 1997 the missionaries of charity numbered morethan 4,000 in addition to thousands more lay volunteers with in 610 foundationsin 123 countries around the world despite the widespread praise motherTeresa life and work have not gone thought its controversies in particularshe she has drawn criticism for the vocal endorsement of some of theCatholic churches more controversial doctrines such as opposition tocontraception and abortion in 1979 that mother Teresa said I feel the greatestdestroyer of peace today is abortion in 1995 she publicly advocated a no wouldin the Irish a referendum to end the country's constitutional ban on thediverse and Maris according to the servant leadership Theory Mother Teresais almost a perfect model of a servant leader Mother Teresa was a charityworker in India and also a nun she had a clear reason she was a selfless servantleader dedicated her whole life to making others lives better you
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