Sit back and let's listen while I take you to the "life journey" of the Inspirational, Dreamer the people's leader, and the Rainmaker in the corporate world of business. As Les Brown said, "life has no limitations except the ones you make". Sundar Pichai is one such person who did not limit himself in the field of success. the vast majority who have succeeded in their lives have had their "fair share of challenges" if each and every individual who won the race had a supported past there would be no inspirational stories to inspire the individuals who haven't had fortune Spark upon them head and it's true.Pichai Sundararajan famously is known as "Sundar Pichai" born on 10 June 1972 in Madurai Tamil Nadu India his father Reghunatha Pichai worked as an electrical engineer and managed the factory that made electrical components his mother Lakshmi used to be a stenographer before having children the story began in a place called a shortNagar in Chennai where 35 years ago it A 12-year-old Sundar Pichai held a rotary phone in his young hands for the very first time it was the first phone his family had ever owned! it was perhaps right then that the possibilities of what a phone could do flooded sunders' mind while it may be conjecture one feels compelled to surmise that his love for technology and its unlimited power to make positivechanges for people everywhere may have germinated within his being in that very moment. Pichai's student life it's interesting that the man who was able tograb the attention of Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin was quiet inconspicuous during his school days not too many of the faculty from Jawahar Vidyalaya and the other school he studied at Vana Vani Matriculation Higher Secondary School remember Pichai very clearly Sundar was an intelligent boy but a quite one nevertheless. sundaes grandmother "ranganayaki" says that while Sundar did not like wasting time and his younger brother Srinivasan would play cricket in front of their house after school. later he was captain of his high school cricket team after completing his tenth grade at Jawahar Vidyalaya shunda moved to Vana Vani and he completed his 12th grade under the Tamil Nadu state board curriculum in 1989 even as a student the current CEO of Google set goals for himselfSundar's father has spoken several times about how he never had to tell suder to study because Sundar would be doing it on his own without being told Sundar'sfriends also talked about his unwavering attention as he would read a book evening cycle rickshaw and the way to school and back home he was so fiercely competitive that he would even fight for a single mark are not present in the had got it later joined IIT Kharagpur for his b tech. Pichai kept a relatively low-profile though he was well respected by a fellow student as well as a professor this continued even during his final year 1993 when he not only talked metallurgy but was also given the Institute's prestigious silver medal for academic excellence this is also the place where he met the woman who would become his wife and life partner one of the biggest challenge Sudha ever faced was proposing to the woman he loved. the girl who had sundar pichai besotted was Anjali it wascharacteristic of Sundar that not even his closest friends knew about his interest in Anjali until after they have graduated from IIT later he pursued MSand Stanford University while Sunda proposed to her during their final yearin IIT Kharagpur the pichai family gave their consent and the in couple wasfinally bound in marriage after few years and now have a son Kiran anddaughter Kavya he started his career as an engineer anda product manager at semiconductor maker Applied Materials in 2001sundar joined McKinsey continued to work at the consulting firm for threeyears before leaving for Google in 2004 it was while at McKinsey that hecompleted his MBA from Wharton School of Business his stink at McKinsey helpedhim develop management skills that would later come in handy at Google from veryinitial days at Google Sundar's main vision and focus is future-orientedinitially he worked on Google search toolbar as a part of a small team andalso worked on Google products like Google gears and Google pack An immensesuccess came when sundar pichai convinced the co founders of Google Sergey Brin andLarry Page to launch Google browser sundar played an important role in finallaunching of the Google Chrome in 2008 eventually Google Chrome became thenumber one browser in the world surpassing competitors such asinternet Explorer and Firefox following the immense success of the Google Chromesundar Pichai was promoted to the post of vice-president this was followed byanother promotion to senior vice-president a short while later andLarry Page once he said the key part of this reconstructing of Google is sundarpichai Sunda has been saying the things I would have said and sometimes betterfor quite some time now and I have been tremendously enjoying of work togetherwhen he took on product and engineering responsibilities for our internetbusiness sergey I have been super excited about his progress anddedication to the company sundar pichai became an international famous figurefollowing the thrilling success and in the year 2015 it was a largest gatheringin the history of the exhibition for the mobile industry imagine ninety fourthousand participants from more than 2,000 organizations and 200 countriesall in one place what mark this particular event tour was not just asignificant number of the attendees but also the speech given by the Googlerepresented you introduced by Brad stone of bloomberg businessweek interestinglyBrad stone in a June 2014 article in his magazine I referred to this very personas the most powerful man in mobile the man was none other than sundar Pichaithen senior vice-president at Google and on August 10 2015he became the CEO of Google eleven years after joining the companythe alphabet was formed in 2015 as a Google's parent company sundar Pichaiwas awarded twenty seven thousand three of the eight shells Google's holdingcompany alphabet in Feb 2016 and on December 2019 he additionally became theCEO of alpha as of May 2020 sundar pichai has a net worth of 1billion USD having to spend a year equivalent salary of his father on hisplane ticket to the US now being CEO of Google and alphabet sundar Pichai Journeyis inspiration to lot of us Thanks for watching PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL. .
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