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APJ Abdul Kalam

              APJ Abdul Kalam

                    Missile Man The repeated failures and delays to test launch the Agni missile created quite a buzzin the press. created quite a buzz in the press. Such delays are common in rocket science, Such delays are common in rocket science, but the nation was in no mood to understand. Our difficulties were ours alone. Our difficulties were ours alone. People interpreted the delaying their own way and suggested some hilarious alternatives. There was an Amul cartoon There was an Amul cartoon that suggested Agni should use their butter as fuel! Agni should use their butter as fuel! Agni should use their butter as fuel! While the press was outraged over the delay, outraged over the delay, my team was utterly demoralized by the repeated failures. my team was utterly demoralized by the repeated failures. my team was utterly demoralized by the repeated failures. I recalled the variousoccasions when my team leaders had boosted our morale and I thought doing likewise. and I thought about doing likewise. I called for a meeting and addressed my team, oftwo thousand members. and addressed my team of two thousand members. “A great opportunity has been given to us. All major opportunities accompanied by equally major challenges. We cannot give up. Our country doesn’t deserve anything less from us.” doesn’t deserve anything less from us.” I finished by telling my people, I finished by telling people, “I promise you that Agni will be launched successfully on our next trial.” that Agni will be launched successfully on our next trial.” My team regained its energy! My team regained its energy! Renewing their enthusiasm, they worked with tremendous concentration and will power. The launch was finally scheduled for 22nd May 1989. Dignitaries such as the Chief of Army Staff and the Defence Minister had come to witness the launch. On the previous night, we had all gone for a walk on the beach that was lit up by the full moon. The waves roared and crashed over the rocks.  

                          Would we succeed with the Agni launch tomorrow? ? The question was on everyone's mind, but none of us was willing to speak. Finally, the Defence Minister broke the silence and asked me, “Kalam, how should we celebrate the Agni success tomorrow? Is there something your heart desires?” It was a simple question, to which I could not find an immediate answer. What did I want? What was it that I did not have? Then I found the answer. Then I found the answer. “We need a hundred thousand saplings to plant in our research centre,” I said. “We need a hundred thousand saplings to plant in our research centre,” I said. The Minister’s face lit up with a friendly glow. with a friendly glow. “You are buying the blessing of mother earth for Agni. We will surely succeed tomorrow,” he predicted warmly. The next day Agni took off at 7:10in the morning. Agni took off at 7:10in the morning. It was a perfect launch. It was like waking up to a bright, crisp morning from a nightmarish sleep. Five years of continuous work various work centres had finally paid off. A mere six hundred seconds of elegant flight washed away all our fatigue. What a wonderful culmination to the many years of labour! It was and will remain one of the greatest moments of my life. one of the greatest moments of my life. 

                School Topper The Second World War was just over and India awaited her freedom eagerly. her freedom eagerly. It was a time when the air wasfilled with the sound of the indistinct buzz of the radio. It was a time when the air was filled with the sound of the indistinct buzz of the radio. Gandhiji declared, “Indians will build their own India.” “Indians will build their own India.” The whole country was filled with an unmatched optimism. I secretly wished for a chance to do something for my country. For this, I needed to study in a good school. I needed to study in a good school. But I never dared ask my parents, But I never dared to ask my parents, But I never dared to ask my parents, as I knew they wouldn’t be ableto afford it. they wouldn’t be ableto afford it. One day my father came up to me and, to my utter surprise, said, “Abdul, I know how you’ve always wanted to pursue higher studies. Your mother and I aren'thighly educated, but we have great dreams for you. great dreams for you. Don’t worry, we will somehow find the money for you to study in a good school.” to study in a good school.” The Schwartz School was in Ramanathapuram, a bustling town that lay across the sea from Rameswaram. My brother took me to school and I was admitted. It was a very good school. When it was hot and humid, When it was hot and humid,, the students were made to sit under trees, as there were no fans in those days. We would run from under one tree to another when we changed classes. We would run from under one tree to another when we changed classes. We would run from under one tree to another when we changed classes. One day, as I was in a hurry, I stepped into the wrong class, where my math teacher was taking a class. He glared at me through his glasses and said, “What are you doing in this school if you can’t even find our way to the right class? “What are you doing in this school if you can’t even find our way to the right class? “What are you doing in this school if you can’t even find your way to the right class? You should just go back to the village where you came from.” 

                    He then caught me by the scruff of my neck and caned me in front of the whole class. and caned me in front of the whole class. I felt crushed. My family had made great sacrifices to send me to this school. My family had made great sacrifices to send me to this school. My family had made great sacrifices to send me to this school. I felt terribly homesick times, I felt terribly homesick times, but I was determined to make my family proud. to make my family proud. From that day on, I made up my mind not only to be a good student but to be the best. I studied night and day. Many months later, my dream of scoring full marks in my maths exam finally came true. in my math exam finally came true. I was thrilled! The next morning, during our assembly, the same teacher who had punished me earlier, stood up, smiled and said, “Whoever I punish becomes a great man!” Everyone in the assembly burst out laughing. He then recounted what had happened. He then recounted what had happened. He pointed to me and added, “Mark my words; this boy is going to bring glory to his school and teachers.” glory to his school and teachers.” glory to his school and teachers.” His praise was quite made up for the earlier humiliation. for the earlier humiliation. I went back home after that semester and my entire family rejoiced. My mother made sweets and my father went all over Rameswaramdistributing them. I finally felt that I had done something worthy, but there was still a lot to be achieved. 


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