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Albert Einstein

                      Albert Einstein

 who was albert einstein albert einstein who was albert einstein albert einsteinthe 14th of march 1879 to the 18th of the 14th of march 1879 to the 18th of the 14th of march 1879 to the 18th ofapril 1955 was a german-born april 1955 was a german-born april 1955 was a german-borntheoretical physicist who developed the theoretical physicist who developed the theoretical physicist who developed thetheory of relativity one of the two theory of relativity one of the two theory of relativity one of the twopillars of modern physics pillars of modern physics pillars of modern physicsalongside quantum mechanics his work is alongside quantum mechanics his work is alongside quantum mechanics his work isalso known for its influence on the also known for its influence on the also known for its influence on thephilosophy of science philosophy of science philosophy of sciencehe is best known to the general public he is best known to the general public he is best known to the general publicfor his mass energy equivalence formula for his mass energy equivalence formula for his mass energy equivalence formula equals mc2 which has been dubbed the equals mc2 which has been dubbed the equals mc2 which has been dubbed theworld's most famous equation world's most famous equation world's most famous equationhe received the 1921 nobel prize in he received the 1921 nobel prize in he received the 1921 nobel prize inphysics for his services to theoretical physics for his services to theoretical physics for his services to theoreticalphysics physics physicsand especially for his discovery of the and especially for his discovery of the and especially for his discovery of thelaw of the photoelectric law of the photoelectric law of the photoelectriceffect a pivotal step in the development effect a pivotal step in the development effect a pivotal step in the developmentof quantum theory of quantum theory of quantum theorythe son of a salesman who later operated the son of a salesman who later operated the son of a salesman who later operatedan electrochemical factory an electrochemical factory an electrochemical factoryeinstein was born in the german empire einstein was born in the german empire einstein was born in the german empirebut moved to switzerland in 1895 and but moved to switzerland in 1895 and but moved to switzerland in 1895 andrenounced his german citizenship in renounced his german citizenship in renounced his german citizenship in1896. 1896. 1896.specializing in physics and mathematics specializing in physics and mathematics specializing in physics and mathematicshe received his academic teaching he received his academic teaching he received his academic teachingdiploma from the swiss federal diploma from the swiss federal diploma from the swiss federalpolytechnic school polytechnic school polytechnic schoolgerman ijenosis polytechnic shul later german ijenosis polytechnic shul later german ijenosis polytechnic shul latered ed edin zurich in 1900 the following year in zurich in 1900 the following year in zurich in 1900 the following yearhe acquired swiss citizenship which he he acquired swiss citizenship which he he acquired swiss citizenship which hekept for his entire life kept for his entire life kept for his entire lifeafter initially struggling to find work after initially struggling to find work after initially struggling to find workfrom 1902 to 1909 he was employed as a from 1902 to 1909 he was employed as a from 1902 to 1909 he was employed as apatent examiner at the swiss patent patent examiner at the swiss patent patent examiner at the swiss patentoffice in bern office in bern office in bernnear the beginning of his career near the beginning of his career near the beginning of his careereinstein thought that newtonian einstein thought that newtonian einstein thought that newtonianmechanics was no longer enough to mechanics was no longer enough to mechanics was no longer enough toreconcile the laws of classical reconcile the laws of classical reconcile the laws of classicalmechanics with the laws of the mechanics with the laws of the mechanics with the laws of theelectromagnetic field electromagnetic field electromagnetic fieldthis led him to develop his special this led him to develop his special this led him to develop his specialtheory of relativity during his time at theory of relativity during his time at theory of relativity during his time atthe swiss patent office the swiss patent office the swiss patent officein 1905 called his anus mirabilis in 1905 called his anus mirabilis in 1905 called his anus mirabilismiracle year he published four miracle year he published four miracle year he published fourgroundbreaking papers which attracted groundbreaking papers which attracted groundbreaking papers which attractedthe attention of the academic world the attention of the academic world the attention of the academic worldthe first outlined the theory of the the first outlined the theory of the the first outlined the theory of thephotoelectric effect photoelectric effect photoelectric effectthe second paper explained brownian the second paper explained brownian the second paper explained brownianmotion the third paper introduced motion the third paper introduced motion the third paper introducedspecial relativity and the fourth mass special relativity and the fourth mass special relativity and the fourth massenergy equivalence that year at the age energy equivalence that year at the age energy equivalence that year at the ageof 26 of 26 of 26he was awarded a phd by the university he was awarded a phd by the university he was awarded a phd by the universityof zurich of zurich of zurichalthough initially treated with although initially treated with although initially treated withskepticism from many skepticism from many skepticism from manyin the scientific community einstein's in the scientific community einstein's in the scientific community einstein'sworks gradually works gradually works graduallycame to be recognized as significant came to be recognized as significant came to be recognized as significantadvancements advancements advancementshe was invited to teach theoretical he was invited to teach theoretical he was invited to teach theoreticalphysics at the university of byrne in physics at the university of byrne in physics at the university of byrne in1908 and the following year moved to the 1908 and the following year moved to the 1908 and the following year moved to theuniversity of zurich then in 1911 to university of zurich then in 1911 to university of zurich then in 1911 tocharles university charles university charles universityin prague before returning to the in prague before returning to the in prague before returning to thefederal polytechnic school in zurich in federal polytechnic school in zurich in federal polytechnic school in zurich in1912. 1912. 1914 he was elected to the prussian in 1914 he was elected to the prussian in 1914 he was elected to the prussianacademy of sciences in berlin academy of sciences in berlin academy of sciences in berlinwhere he remained for 19 years soon where he remained for 19 years soon where he remained for 19 years soonafter publishing his work on special after publishing his work on special after publishing his work on specialrelativity einstein began working to relativity einstein began working to relativity einstein began working toextend the theory to gravitational extend the theory to gravitational extend the theory to gravitationalfields fields fieldshe then published a paper on general he then published a paper on general he then published a paper on generalrelativity in 1916 relativity in 1916 relativity in 1916introducing his theory of gravitation introducing his theory of gravitation introducing his theory of gravitationhe continued to deal with problems of he continued to deal with problems of he continued to deal with problems ofstatistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics and quantum statistical mechanics and quantumtheory which led to his explanations of theory which led to his explanations of theory which led to his explanations ofparticle theory and the motion of particle theory and the motion of particle theory and the motion ofmolecules molecules moleculeshe also investigated the thermal he also investigated the thermal he also investigated the thermalproperties of light and the quantum properties of light and the quantum properties of light and the quantumtheory of radiation the basis of laser theory of radiation the basis of laser theory of radiation the basis of laserwhich laid the foundation of the photon which laid the foundation of the photon which laid the foundation of the photontheory of light theory of light theory of lightin 1917 he applied the general theory of in 1917 he applied the general theory of in 1917 he applied the general theory ofrelativity to model the structure of the relativity to model the structure of the relativity to model the structure of theuniverse universe universein 1933 while einstein was visiting the in 1933 while einstein was visiting the in 1933 while einstein was visiting theunited states united states united statesadolf hitler came to power because of adolf hitler came to power because of adolf hitler came to power because ofhis jewish background his jewish background his jewish backgroundeinstein did not return to germany einstein did not return to germany einstein did not return to germanyhe settled in the united states and he settled in the united states and he settled in the united states andbecame an american citizen became an american citizen became an american citizenin 1940 on the eve of world war in 1940 on the eve of world war in 1940 on the eve of world warii he endorsed a letter to president ii he endorsed a letter to president ii he endorsed a letter to presidentfranklin d roosevelt franklin d roosevelt franklin d rooseveltalerting fdr to the potential alerting fdr to the potential alerting fdr to the potentialdevelopment of extremely powerful bombs development of extremely powerful bombs development of extremely powerful bombsof a new type and recommending that the of a new type and recommending that the of a new type and recommending that theu.s begin u.s begin u.s beginsimilar research this eventually led to similar research this eventually led to similar research this eventually led tothe manhattan project the manhattan project the manhattan projecteinstein supported the allies but he einstein supported the allies but he einstein supported the allies but hegenerally denounced the idea of using generally denounced the idea of using generally denounced the idea of usingnuclear fission as a weapon nuclear fission as a weapon nuclear fission as a weaponhe signed the russell einstein manifesto he signed the russell einstein manifesto he signed the russell einstein manifestowith british philosopher bertrand with british philosopher bertrand with british philosopher bertrandrussell which highlighted the danger of russell which highlighted the danger of russell which highlighted the danger ofnuclear weapons nuclear weapons nuclear weaponshe was affiliated with the institute for he was affiliated with the institute for he was affiliated with the institute foradvanced study in princeton advanced study in princeton advanced study in princetonnew jersey until his death in 1955. new jersey until his death in 1955. new jersey until his death in 1955.he published more than 300 scientific he published more than 300 scientific he published more than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific works works workshops intellectual achievements and his intellectual achievements and his intellectual achievements and originality have made the word einstein originality have made the word einstein originality have made the word einstein synonymous with genius Eugene Wigner synonymous with genius Eugene Wigner synonymous with genius Eugene wigner compared him to his contemporaries compared him to his contemporaries compared him to his contemporaries writing that einstein's understanding writing that einstein's understanding writing that einstein's understanding was deeper even than janji von Neumann's was deeper even than janji von Neumann's was deeper even than janji von Neumann's mind was both more penetrating and his mind was both more penetrating and his mind was both more penetrating andmore original 


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